What You Need to Know About Closing Costs Before Selling
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Let Us Guide You Home

Need to Sell First?

STEP 1 | Prepare to Buy

We want to make sure the Goldy Kang Real Estate Team finds your ideal home, which is why we enjoy meeting our customers in person.

During our initial meeting, we will discuss your goals and interests, budget, the current market conditions, and come up with a plan.


STEP 2 | Plan Your Finance

What Can You Afford? Buying a home is a significant investment. Make sure you are aware of and comfortable with how much you are going to spend.


The mortgage industry is highly competitive which is why it is important to be aware of the changing interest rates and how they can affect you. It is always beneficial to speak to a mortgage broker or financial institution and identify how they can help you seek the right mortgage at the best rate for your situation.

1 | Talk To A Mortgage Broker Or Bank

2 | Complete and Submit Your Mortgage Application

3 | Gather All The Necessary Documents

4 | Get Your Details Verified

5 | Obtain A Copy Of Your Pre-Approval Letter

6 | Secure Your Down Payment

STEP 3 | Let's Find The One

Once we've decided your needs, we will enroll you in our home match system where we'll search for properties that suit your needs. We'll guide you to more homes that could be your future dream home based on your likes and dislikes of the first few homes we're showing you.

Professional Home Buyer Tools

As real estate agents, we provide you with expert advice and tools to support the home buying process.


STEP 4 | Five Star Services After Purchase

Once we have successfully found a home and you are ready to move into your new home, we provide a moving checklist to ensure everything is a smooth process from start to finish. and we offer a special Client Appreciation Program to keep in touch with past clients and present special incentives such as our referral program.

  • Moving Checklist
  • Client Appreciation Program


Ready to find your dream home?

Let us help you make that happen!

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